Friday 4 December 2015

Research and Planning Self Assessment

Research into horror films
I think my research into the horror films was good as I started from around 1930s to the present day.

Research into a potential target audience
I think the research into the potential target audience was ok but could have been better as it is not very detailed, however it is accurate as a wide range of audience has been questioned for the questionnaire.

Time management
I think my time management is ok but could be better as sometimes I miss the dead line for some posts in the last couple of weeks. However they are posted by the next day or two days.  

Use of digital technology or ICT 
I think my use of IT is good as I done it at gcse and I am familiar with IT and computers.

Communication skills
I think my communication skills between my group is good. I will share ideas and speak to others and listen to what the other people in the group has to say and what their ideas are for the task.

Level of care taken in the presentation of work
I think I take a high care in my presentation of my work on my blog. I think this because the work on my blog is neat and tidy and is all organised in the correct way. They are posted in the correct order.

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