Friday 11 December 2015

Planning: Target Audiance Feedback

We made a survery on survey monkey. We got 5 people from all different ages to fill in the survey. This means we could get a wide range of information for our opening of our film.

We used survey monkey for your questions so out target audience could give us feedback. By getting target audience feedback this helped us see what the target age would like to see your film to start and what they thought about our film. We started of by asking 12 to 20 years old how old they was to make sure we had a wide range of audience for the questionnaire. We then asked how they would like to see the opening film to start. We had a wide range of feedback from this question. One saying it should be a flashback to his past school days. Another person said it should start by Billy killing somebody or something. The last question asked is if somebody should die in the opening we had one person say yes and the other 3 said no and one person skipped this question. By getting this feedback it helps us see what our target audience would like to see in our film opening.

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