Thursday 14 January 2016

Planning - Location Planning For Your Opening

Location planning is a very important part of the pre-production process for the opening to  'The Revenge'.

It is vital that we establish which locations will be needed for our filming and to then scout alternatives in order to decide which will provide the best shooting location for us.

Our film opening will need 4 locations to be scouted. These are as follows:

1. Exterior location. This is the outside of the house, in the back garden of the main character, Billy's house.
2. Exterior location. This will be in the garden of Billy's house. Someone will behind a tree filming billy watching what he is doing.
3. Interior location. This will be in the kitchen of Billy's house. We won't be showing the kitchen is this scene as we just need the wall.

We have decided the location for our film will be set at 10 Eliot Close in our local town. We have picked this certain location because it contains the necessary equipment needed. For example there is a skip present which is essential for the background of the film. We also have permission to film here because the house also happens to be the director's (Ryan Loasby's) house. This also means it is very accessible and increases the amount of quality filming. Filming this in a rural, well populated, family area gives the viewer the idea that even people who have been brought up in a safe environment could be venerable to danger at any time without them knowing it. 
we went to the location to make sure it was what we wanted and took some photos of the key areas we would be filming in.

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