Monday 19 October 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

We was asked to film and edit a character walking to a door and opening the door, sitting down opposite another character, then the two characters will exchange a couple of lines of dialogue. This task will have match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180- degree rule. 

 As a group three we done a storyboard of our initial ideas. we had a 12 shot challenge so we could only use twelve storyboards to show ideas. Then we had to find the locations we was going to use in our short clip. This was our location planning we took pictures and wrote a couple of lines about how this location would be suitable for what we needed to film. Then we had to find two actors to use in our clip. Then we had to post a picture of them a short description why the would be suitable to use in our clip.

 We started of be organising a time where we all free to film the clip. Then when we started to film their wasn't no major problems, however we couldn't use the first room we planned to use as there was a lesson taking place in the room. The rest of the filming ran smoothly and got it done in the time we planned to do.

When editing the film i applied everything i learnt in previous lessons, for example i learnt how to cut  out parts of film that was not needed I imported all the clips I had recorded into premier pro then I trimmed all the clips to the sections that were needed. I scaled my whole work area to scale to frame size. I added music onto the clip which ended just as the speaking was going to start.

Our prelmimarny task went ok, a few issues occurred with the sound and we had to change the rooms we filmed in so better planning could have saved time. what went well was how we used each camera angle effectively also the shot reverse shot went well and the 180 degree rule. The weaknesses was that the match on action didn't look as good after the door was opened as it was completely closed in the next shot. An area of development would be making sure the match on action is perfect in the main task and speak louder and clearer. 

Thursday 8 October 2015

Preliminary Task: Filming Schedule

  • Date: 13th October 2015
  • Casting: Ryan (billy), Ben (James)
  • Location: School corridor, school classroom and out the front of the school
  • Props: School bag, Peace of paper with work on and a pen.
  • Equipment: A camera.
  • Health and Safety: None

Monday 5 October 2015

Learning To Edit With Premiere Pro

In the last two lessons of Media Studies i have learned how the following:

  • I have learned how to create a new project on Premier Pro
  • I have learned how to import clips and audio in the Premier Pro and not to move the files after adding them to it
  • I have learned how to navigate through video by using the left and right keypad and by scrubbing
  • I have learned how to move a clip into my timeline, with or without it's audio
  • I have learned how to play the video in full screen to see any errors clearly, or for video viewing purposes
  • I have learned how to add video transitions and effects to my project
  • I have learned how to decrease the volume on a video
  • I have learned how render a video so it is ready for exporting
  • I have learned how to export my project to my desktop

Thursday 1 October 2015

Planning ; Mise-En-Scene: Location Planning

Shot one of our story board is an establishing shot showing the exterior of the school building. When we were scouting for a location we thought that this was a suitable location for the opening shot

This is the classroom where Billy is going to ask James about the Btec PE coursework. We believe this is a suitable place for this scene to take place.

We thought that this corridor was suitable for our shot because it shows where billy is going to ask James about his coursework.

Planning: Mise-En-scene : Casting

Billy is a 16 year old student. He enjoys playing football and he uses social media in his spare time.

The part of billy will be played by Ryan Loasby. Ryan is a good choice for this role as he is confidant and he can follow instructions effectively.

James age 16 and very sporty and friendly. James likes to play football, socialising with his friends and listing to music in his spare time

This part will be played by  Ben Nye, he is the right for the job as he is confidence in front of a camera and not afraid to perform.